Airport Updates
Hopefully you have had some time to enjoy all that Pensacola has to offer, and we’re just getting started!
July is a big month on the Gulf Coast. From Independence Day celebrations to Red, White, and Blues week, you won’t want to miss out.
We also have a neat story to share about some of our other airport "residents."Read on to learn more about all of these opportunities.
Red, White, and Blues Week!

Celebrate our Independence with any one of several great fireworks shows on July 4th, with the Sertoma Fireworks Display in downtown Pensacola and the Pensacola Beach Fireworks Display at the Pensacola Beach Boardwalk and Santa Rosa Sound.
If you’ve never seen the Blue Angels screaming down Pensacola Beach, it will change your life…or at least get your heart racing. Stunt planes that loop, soar, stall, and recover will thrill you beyond belief. Trust us, as fans of airplanes (we’re an airport, by the way) you won’t want to miss this.
The Pensacola Beach Air Show kicks off on Wednesday, July 6, 2022, and runs through Saturday, July 9. Click here to view the schedule.
"Bee"-ing a Good Neighbor

Some of you may not know this, but for the past several years, PNS has partnered with Escarosa Beekeepers Association to manage and maintain the naturally occurring beehives on the airport property. This partnership allows the association to care for and maintain the hives as a community education program as well as an environmental benefit.
During a construction project on the airport property last fall, the bees needed to be relocated. The Beekeepers Association helped to move the bees and the members cared for them over the winter. When the weather was warm enough this spring to relocate the bees, the association helped to safely relocate the hives to their new home on the airport property.
We thought you might enjoy hearing this “sweet” story. At PNS we try to “bee” more than just an airport. We’re part of this community.