Veterans Memorial Park and Wall South
In December of 1987 the "Moving Wall" came to Pensacola Florida and was visited by many of the local people, including some of the areas Vietnam Veterans. As time came for the Wall to move on, some of the Vietnam Vets that had stood vigil for the five days the Wall was in town decided it was time for Pensacola to have a permanent monument honoring the men and women that served and died in Vietnam. This was the start of the Dream. For five years the Vietnam Veterans of Northwest Florida (VVNF) held garage sales, 5 and 10 K runs, baseball/softball tourneys; car washes and hundreds of other fund raisers in hopes of making the Dream come true. With the help and support of family, friends and active duty service members, this Dream came true in 1992.
Trip Advisor Reviews
Veterans Memorial Park and Wall South
May 25
Memorial Day Program 25′
Downtown Pensacola
Pensacola 200 S. 10th Ave. Pensacola, Florida 32052 (850) 324-5322